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by MindJournal - 6 min read
How well do you know yourself? Like, really know yourself.
Sure, you can probably name your favourite show, the foods you hate, even your dream job. But these barely scratch the surface of who you are as a person.
True self-reflection is nothing short of a superpower. It can help you clarify your values, focus your mind and give you the tools to grow and develop.
Research has even shown that spending just 15 minutes a day reflecting can improve your overall performance by 23%.
With that in mind, here are a handful of questions to ask yourself. You may want to answer them in your head, think out loud or use your journal to record your answers, so you can refer to them down the line and see how far you’ve come.
Without getting bogged down in science, the Law of Cause and Effect states that if you put out good thoughts, and follow them up with good actions, you will receive good things. Sounds simple enough, but it can be hard to know where to start. That’s where these questions about life come in.
We’re going to let you in on a secret. Often it’s not the answer to the question that matters most. What matters is the process of understanding who you are as a person and what you want. That’s why now is a good time not to judge yourself for whatever you write.
Some say life is a marathon, not a sprint. In reality, it’s more like the 400m hurdles. Sporting analogies aside, remember that no one is born knowing how to overcome the obstacles in front of them. You have to learn. Focusing on personal growth is how you do it.
Self-awareness isn’t only about how you see yourself. Our values, behaviours, aspirations and feelings also have an effect on how others view us. Analysing your relationships is a great way to ensure you’re the best you that you can be for those around you.
There’s no set path to take when it comes to self-improvement. Nor standardised steps to nail it first time. That said, if it makes you feel just the slightest bit awkward (in a good way, like these emotional awareness questions will), chances are you’re doing something right.
Many people spend a large portion of their day at work. That’s why it’s important not to see the 9-5 as a negative aspect of life and the rest as a positive one. These questions will help you change your perspective.
There’s one person you spend more time with than anyone else: yourself. Therefore it makes sense that you have a good relationship with, well, you. We’re not saying you shouldn’t hype up your friends, but don’t forget to give yourself a high five every now and then.
You may be the one asking the questions, but you’re also the one with the answers. All you have to do is take your time and dig deep. Save these questions for when you’re ready to do the work of getting to know yourself better.
If you want to be the best version of yourself in the present, you need to think about your past. How have you become the you today? Have you fulfilled the dreams you had? What have you learnt that you can take forward into the future? Take a moment of your time and think things through.
Once you ask yourself the right questions, you’ll get the answers to take you from where you are now to where you want to be. There’s no such thing as a crystal ball, but deciding what you want the future to look like is a good way to make it happen.
It’s easy to zip-wire through life without ever stopping to pay attention to our thoughts and feelings or how our habits and values impact our day-to-day. Now is a great time to pick a handful of these questions to ask yourself over the coming weeks.